
The following blog posts have the category Motorcycle

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Live to Ride: Motorcycle Insurance and SafetyAlthough motorcycle enthusiasts in certain areas of the country are able to ride year round, spring and summer is when most bike owners are finally able to get out there on the open road. Before you take that first ride, make sure that your bike is up to the task and ready to go. Motorcycle maintenance and safety go hand-in-hand, and keeping your bike in great shape will ensure a great ride.
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Wearing a HelmetWhether you're on a bike, motorcycle, or an all-terrain-vehicle (ATV), you should always wear a helmet. Of course, not everyone does, and not every state requires it in all situations. Although many states have helmet laws, they can vary quite a bit. So why should you wear a helmet, even if it's not the law? There are several reasons, including the most important: It could save your life.
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Summer in Florida is the perfect time to get out there on your dirtbike or All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) and have some heart-pounding fun. But ATVs and dirt bikes can be deadly if not used properly. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, about 97,200 ATV-related injuries occurred in 2015; approximately 28 percent of those involved children under the age of 16.
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Warmer weather is on the way, and the open road will soon be calling. Whether you're a recreational motorcyclist or a serious cross-country rider, be sure you have the right insurance to meet your needs and to protect yourself on the road.
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From cell phone contracts to Internet packages, bundling is a popular way for companies of all kinds to hook you into multiple services, usually at a discount to you. Insurance companies are no exception, and bundling policies can often lead to significant savings and a streamlined experience for the consumer. But if you don't read carefully, you may end up with a policy that costs the same or more than maintaining separate policies and really doesn't save you much time or inconvenience at all.
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