Healthy, Wealthy and Wise: Maintaining a Healthy Workplace


Many of us spend more time at work than we do at home. That's why it's important to ensure your work environment is a healthy one in which you and your employees are protected from potential dangers and safe from exposure to harmful chemicals.

Healthy employees are happy and productive employees. Therefore, a healthy work environment is likely to result in better productivity and greater profits. Whether you are an employee or a business owner, be proactive and take steps to make your Florida workplace a healthy space. Here are some ideas:

  • Prevent Poisoning - If your workplace has a gas heating system consider installing carbon monoxide detectors that plug into electrical outlets. These detectors can protect workers from carbon monoxide poisoning in the event that the heating system malfunctions.
  • Clean with Green Products - Whether you or an outside cleaning service cleans your work environment, green, nontoxic cleaning products are always an option. These products do the job just as well as those full of harsh chemicals, and have no ill effects on humans.
  • Encourage Smart Food Choices - Get rid of your workplace's junk food-filled vending machines, and stock the office fridge with fruits, vegetables, whole grain crackers, and lean proteins. Instead of serving soda and coffee at meetings, offer herbal tea, water, and juice. Employees who eat right think more clearly, feel better, and are likely to perform better on the job.
  • Walk and Talk - Instead of holding meetings while seated in chairs around a table, consider walking meetings. Go outside for fresh air and take a walk with coworkers while discussing work matters. Doing so will get the blood flowing, which may inspire some unexpected, creative ideas. This is an easy way to burn calories and squeeze in a bit of exercise, especially for those who work at desk jobs.
  • Manage Mold - Mold is as common in some work environments as it is at home. To prevent mold from growing in work bathrooms and other moist areas, install mildew-resistant drywall and utilize ventilation fans to keep moisture from hanging around.
  • Improve the Air Quality - The air we breathe for eight or more hours a day should be pure and clean. Poor air quality can cause eye and throat irritation, respiratory ailments, and may even be linked to cancer. Test the air quality at your workplace using a device that reveals which pollutants are present. Then install an air purifier to eliminate those pollutants from the atmosphere.
  • Decorate with Plants - Plants are nature's air purifiers. Keep numerous plants in your work environment; they generously remove toxins from the air while having positive psychological effects on workers. Studies have indicated that plants help to prevent "sick building syndrome" by counteracting the harmful effects of off-gassing office decor, furniture, and carpeting.

Call or contact Insurance Wagon to discuss other workplace insurance issues and different ways you can protect your employees.

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